Earn up-to 18% passive income with Solana (SOL)

Build Wealth without Riba

Profits paid out monthly. Zero fees. No upper limit.
Supported Cryptocurrencies

How it works?

Signup and deposit funds

Signup and transfer your cryptocurrency from an exchange (like Binance.com) or wallet to your Halal.io account.

We currently support the following cryptocurrencies: BTC, USDT, ETH, BUSD, SOL, ADA, LINK, BNB, NEAR, MATIC, XRP & DOT.

Confirm the investment amount

Select the amount and confirm the funds for investment. There are no restrictions, no fees or hidden charges.
Just sit back and relax!
Within 24 Hrs. your funds are deployed for spot trading using our sophisticated, fully automatic AI-powered crypto trading bot.
We manage all trades so you don't have to do anything.

Monthly Payouts

Every month, a share of the profits generated from our trading activity are credited to your account. The exact profit percentage paid out to investors, is calculated and announced on the 1st of each month. 
Flexible Withdrawals
You can withdraw your funds (principal or profits) on the 1st of the month. If you do not withdraw funds and leave it in your account, then your profit along with the principal, is re-invested for trading. So your returns get compounded!

The Easiest Way To Generate Passive Income From Crypto.

Why Invest with Halal.io?

Maximize Your Crypto Assets With AI-Powered Trading

Are you a HODLer? Put your idle assets to work for you. Generate predictable passive income. Just deposit funds and start earning a  monthly return immediately – no further action is needed on your side.

Get Paid In Your Favorite Crypto

12 shariah-compliant cryptocurrencies that meet our stringent requirements are accepted. Your profits are calculated & paid-out based on the original currency you deposit. So, if you invest 100 ETH, your total assets after one year will be 118 ETH (estimate based on 18% per annum)

AI-powered Crypto Trading Bot

Our fully automatic crypto trading bot is like a crypto-quant hedge fund that can earn profits in any market condition while saving time, protecting capital and avoiding costly trading mistakes.
While there are no guarantees in the crypto markets, our AI bot outperforms professional traders consistently.

Build wealth without Riba

Most crypto-yield platforms are RIBA-based. Their business model is most likely HARAM and therefore, strictly prohibited for Muslims.
The Halal.io business model is based-on crypto trading in the spot market. Most Islamic scholars consider it permissible.

Why We Are Building Halal.io

Many Muslim investors missed the boat in the early 2000’s when they ignored the opportunity to invest in stocks of tech companies like Google, Microsoft & Amazon. At that time, they did not fully understand how these companies could change the world. There was also a lack of clarity regarding shariah compliance.

Some 20+ years later, we have a similar opportunity with cryptocurrency and blockchain. Despite extreme volatility, crypto is the key to building generational wealth; especially if you choose the right assets and stay invested for the long-term. 

We specialize in shariah-compliant crypto investing and firmly believe that Bitcoin offers a better alternative to the current RIBA-based, exploitative banking system. We are building an easy-to-use platform for Halal-conscious investors to earn passive income, simply by holding crypto assets. Join us in building a Halal future in crypto. Sign up now.
Shuhaib Shariff
Shuhaib Shariff

Frequently asked questions

Are Cryptocurrencies Halal?
A cryptocurrency is permissible as long as it doesn’t breach Islamic prohibitions on Riba (interest), Gharar (uncertainty) and Maysir (gambling). Major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc are considered Halal by prominent Islamic scholars.

Note: We have done extensive research & screening before listing specific cryptocurrencies on Halal.io. Our view is that our list of approved cryptocurrencies are Halal. However, please do your research before investing in any asset.
What is Halal.io’s business model?
Halal.io ​​is a custodial crypto-investment platform focused on generating passive income on crypto assets under management.
We actively trade in different cryptocurrencies, using an automated artificial intelligence powered BOT (proprietary). A share of the profits from trading are paid-out every month to investors who deposit funds in our platform.
Should I do any manual crypto trading?
No. You simply deposit funds, confirm the investment amount and sit back. At Halal.io, we manage all trading.
Essentially: We do the trading, you do the earning.
Do you guarantee returns of 18% per annum?
No. There is no such thing as an Islamic fixed income product. Fixed income means the future payouts are predetermined. Since the future performance of anything cannot be guaranteed, fixed future payouts mean the payouts are independent of the performance of the underlying asset. This would be Haram.

At Halal.io, investors do not receive interest but rather they get a portion of profits generated by the assets they own. No Profits = No Returns.
In practice, we work towards building up a buffer to smooth out the uneven revenues produced by the underlying asset so that investors continue to see a regular even return.
So, how much do I get paid each month?
The exact profit percentage paid out to investors, is calculated and announced on the 1st of each month. The amount may vary each month.
Our estimate is that you will make anything between 1% to 1.5% per month.

Note: The estimate is based on our financial models and past performance. However, you should know that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
How do withdrawals work? Is there a lock-in period?
You can deposit funds at any time and you can withdraw your funds on the first of the month. So you can withdraw all your crypto (or a part of it) on 01-January, 01-February, 01-March, etc.
Is Halal.io supported in my country?
Halal.io is a global platform that is available in 50+ countries. Signup for an account to get started.
Not sure if you can sign up with us? Contact us for assistance.
How is Halal.io different from Nexo, YouHodler & BlockFi?
Nexo, Youhodler, BlockFi, etc. have a business model involving lending and borrowing for cryptocurrency assets. These are Riba (interest) based businesses, strictly prohibited in Islam.
Additionally, they are HIGH risk businesses since they are dependent on borrowers for loan repayment. Some of them have gone bankrupt because borrowers were unable to return their loans or pay the interest due. 

Halal.io’s revenue comes from crypto trading. We share profits every month with investors. We do not lend to third-parties or make revenue from charging interest.
What are the risks?
Like with all trading, there are risks associated with our strategies as past performance is no guarantee of future results. We cannot fully eliminate unprecedented events in the crypto market, though we actively manage them.
How does Halal.io keep my Crypto safe?
Majority of the funds are maintained in our Binance account. Binance is secure, trustworthy and also the largest crypto exchange in the world.
Some funds are also maintained in our hot wallets and other exchanges. 

Would like to know more?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? You are welcome to connect with our friendly team.